About ten or so Gadhdhuan Thundukunaa weavers now remain. Some of them have moved to the capital Male’ with their families, looking for better employment and education. Younger women are not involved in the work now as it is not possible to earn a living through Thundukunaa weaving. Moreover, the survival of the wetlands of Fiyori, from where the grass for Gadhdhoo mats are sourced, is in a questionable state due to various changes in the environment and local policy implementation methods.

“I tell you, if I start weaving this
mat, I don’t
have to think about anything, your
mind does not hold anything else in it… if you start weaving, weaving, weaving like this, mind is fresh… you don’t have to think about anything else… your mind is always inside the loom…
If I find myself troubled with something, I set up my frame, settle my feet into it and it’s OK, Yes, my mind is really invigorated!”
If I find myself troubled with something, I set up my frame, settle my feet into it and it’s OK, Yes, my mind is really invigorated!”

The weaver’s loom was traditionally made with Dhigga (Sea hibiscus). Vaana gas in Gadhdhuan dialect, Vaana is the thread taken from the tree's bark made into threads (Vaka is the name in common Dhivehi dialect). Now cotton thread is more commonly used due to difficulty in acquiring Vaana.
Ahigas (Indian mulberry) - the root of Ahi is used in the creation of a yellow dye, along with turmeric colouring."